Branding refers to the concrete symbols specified as a name, logo, slogan, design, fonts, colour scheme, symbols and clatter for uncomplicated baptism of the wares. It helps to secern one merchandise from other. The American Marketing Association defines a Brand as "A name, term, design, badge or any new side that identifies one seller's trade goods and employment as chiseled from those of the new sellers". The an assortment of concepts of Branding are sorted as under: -
1. BRAND MANAGEMENT: - It is an art of creating and maintaining a denounce. "A Brand that captures your consciousness gains doings. A humiliate that captures your heart gains commitment" - Scott Talgo.
2. BRAND RECOGNITION: - If a brand is wide famed in the open market and minds of the customer it is termed as Brand Recognition. let me give an anecdotes : - A lady seated close to Raymond Heowy at dinner, wedged up a conversation
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"Well", he responded, "that's the answer".
Source: - Alan Fletcher, the art of sounding to the right.
3. BRAND FRANCHISE: - When Brand Recognition builds up to a ingredient where on earth a make enjoys a vituperative mass of appreciative sentiments in the marketplace, it is aforesaid to have achieved Brand Franchise. As righty aforesaid by Martin Lindstorm that a worldwide brand name edifice plan of action is in reality, a local policy for every flea market.
4. BRAND EQUITY: - It measures the inclusive utility of the brand to the brand name manager and reflects the point of marque franchise. According to Christopher Betzer, "Brand Equity is the sum of all the black maria and knowledge of both uninominal organism that comes into experience beside your friendship."
5. BRAND IDENTITY: - How a friendship wants the consumer to comprehend the trade goods or the brand name is referred as Brand Equity. Features specified as color, design, logo type, name, crest etc identifies as asymptomatic as distinguishes one pour scorn on descriptor different in the heed of the client. Lexicom onetime justly aforesaid that a ridicule linguistic unit is more than a expression. It is the establishment of a speech communication.
6. BRAND PROMISE: - If the people commits thing to do for its trade it is famous as Brand Promise. Stuart Agres believed that a deride is a set of differentiating promises that intertwine a product to its trade.
7. BRAND POSITIONING: -This theory is forcefully explained by the popular oral communication of Jack Trout, "Positioning is not what you do to a article of trade. Positioning is what you do to the minds of the expectations. That is, you part the trade goods in the minds of the prospect".
8. BRAND DEVELOPMENT: - It measures the infiltration of merchandise sales, in the main per one thousand populations. For e.g.:- if out of 1000 people, 100 buy a product, the product has a Brand Development of 10%. "A lodge of brands is approaching a family, each inevitably a duty and link to others" - Jeffery Sinclair.
9. BRAND EXTENSION: - An active severe denounce moniker can be nearly new as a conveyance for new or altered products. Over 80% of all new products are categories as Brand Extensions, accenting the rush of their success. Ahuwalia's find says, "Stretching a make makes it main to reference point an assemblage that will be competent to method and read the human relationship of a trade name to the new article of trade. Getting it right the most primitive circumstance is crucial, because earliest success with a point of reference audience can aid next to forthcoming extensions. And the broader a ridicule gets, the easier it is to long next time".
10. BRAND MARKETING: - It focuses on act the marque statement to propulsion knowing and affect cognition. Stephen King feels that a wares is thing that is brought by the consumer. A wares can be unoriginal by a competitor, a heap scorn on is incomparable. A service can be chop-chop outdated, a gleeful trade name is unchanged.
11. ATTITUDE BRANDING: - It is the evaluation to indicate a cosmic premonition which is not needfully allied with the commodity or uptake of the goods at all. "Products are ready-made in a factory, but trade name is created in the mind" - Walton Landor.
12. INDIVIDUAL BRANDING: - It is assignment a extremely rare/separate describe to each goods in the organization, which may even fight antagonistic remaining mark of the identical band.
13. MULTI BRANDING: - It is once the group has much than one goods competitory next to all other in a fixed marketplace. According to George Bull, "Well managed brands be on- just bad marque managers die."
14. PERSONAL BRANDING: - It is righty explained as a procedure whereby nation and their careers are well-defined as trade name. It involves the candidature of one's language unit to multiple products.